Choose your Compression options (Beware of unchecking Apply only to this picture).

Navigate to the Pictures Tools Format Tab.To compress an image in PowerPoint, select the image you want to compress then: *Just be sure that when you compress your images, you pay attention to the quality of the images. The more you compress an image in PowerPoint, the more image quality you will lose. The HD (96 ppi) compressed file is 17x smaller than the original presentations. This is a fast and easy way to reduce your PowerPoint file size. If you have lots of images in your presentation, you can save a lot of space by compressing them. It won’t save you as much space as working in a dedicated editor, but it will help. If you don’t have an image editor, such as Paint, or you simply must use PowerPoint, be sure to tell PowerPoint to discard all of that excess data saved from the edits. That’s a lot of extra bites being stored! For example, when you change an image to black and white, PowerPoint retains the full-color image as well. Thus, that memory of the image editing takes up additional space and will increase the overall file size. Why? When you use PowerPoint to edit your image, it remembers all of those as part of the presentation. If it does require edits, you’re better off doing it in an image editor. When you insert an image in PowerPoint, it’s best to make sure that it doesn’t need any edits. Tip #2: Do Image Edits in an Image Editor-Not in PowerPoint Using the insert function will ensure your images are inserted as intended. If you’re concerned about file size and you have a lot of images in your presentation, this default setting may drastically increase your overall file size. Why does this matter? Well, as you can see in the example below, the BMP and PNG files are much larger than a JPG file. However, by pasting the images into the presentation there is a chance that the system will save that image as a BMP or PNG, rather than a JPG. It’s easy to simply copy images from sources and paste them directly into your PowerPoint presentation, rather than saving the images to the hard drive and then inserting them into the presentation. Under Preserve fidelity when sharing this presentation, select Embed fonts in the file, and then select Embed only the characters used in the presentation.Download Resource Tip #1: Insert Your Pictures. To minimize the file increase, embed only those characters used in the presentation.

However, embedded fonts will increase your file size. To make your presentation more sharable with others who don't have the same fonts in their system, it's typical to embed the fonts you use. Reduce the character set of embedded fonts

In the Default resolution list, select a resolution that is 150ppi or lower. Make sure that Do not compress images in file is not selected. Note that if you discard editing data, you won't be able to restore the image after you edit it. Select Discard editing data. This option removes stored data that's used to restore the image to its original state after it's been edited. Under Image Size and Quality, do the following: Lowering the default resolution for images also reduces your overall file size. Discarding it means that you can't restore the changes you make, but it will reduce your file size. Under Resolution, select Use default resolution.ĭelete image editing data and lower default resolutionīy default, when you edit an image, the data from the original is retained (to ensure the image can be restored). This option removes the cropped picture data but note that if you delete the cropped picture data, you won't be able to restore it. Make sure that Apply only to this picture is not selected so that the changes you make here will apply to all pictures in the document. Under Compression options, do either of the following: On the Picture Format tab, in the Adjust group, select Compress Pictures.